Human Rights

Grievance Mechanism


Find out how and when to use the dedicated portal for reporting human rights concerns related to FIFA. 

What types of issues should be reported?

FIFA has put in place a Reporting Portal to report on various topics, including Human Rights.  

This mechanism is available for any person who wishes to report human rights concerns in relation to FIFA’s activities and events. Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that belong to every human being, as defined in various international human rights instruments. 

As a rule of thumb, if you experience or observe a situation where you feel that your dignity and/or the dignity of another person is not being respected or are aware of human rights violations related to FIFA’s activities and events, you should consider reporting it. 

How do I report a concern?

Anyone can access the portal using the following link: FIFA Reporting Portal and choosing “Human Rights” or “A Form of Abuse, Harassment, Neglect, or Exploitation” in the dropdown list of the first question. If you wish to remain anonymous, the platform allows for anonymous communication in order to ensure reports remain confidential. Even if you choose to reveal your identity and disclose your contact details, all reports will be treated with the strictest possible confidentiality under the applicable laws and regulations.  

Alternatively, you can also submit a report to this email account:

Reports may be submitted in any language, and it is possible to upload supporting evidence such as videos, photos, confidential documents, etc. 

As soon as a report is received, FIFA will communicate with you in your preferred language via the portal (if you have submitted your reports on it) or from the human rights complaint email address (if you have chosen to contact us via email).

What happens once a report has been submitted? 

FIFA’s Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination (HRAD) team will initially investigate your report. 

The person in charge of your case will aim to acknowledge receipt of the report within 24 hours and present the steps FIFA plans to take within 72 hours for urgent reports or 5 working days for less urgent reports. The HRAD team has established procedures to escalate the matter to other departments or third parties, as needed, in order to facilitate a satisfactory outcome in due course.

The remedy in any given case may take the form of an apology, an acknowledgement, restitution, rehabilitation, compensation, changes in procedures and processes, or pursuit of the matter under criminal and/or civil law.

Grievance Mechanism Document

Download the full document here:

FIFA Reporting Portal Human Rights flowchart

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Reporting Mechanism

If your concern is related to human rights in the context of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™, please note that you can choose to use the old platform, which will be operational until 30 June 2023, or use the new FIFA Reporting Portal.  

IMPORTANT: From 1 July 2023, the FIFA Reporting Portal will be the only available mechanism for reporting human rights concerns, including those related to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™.