According to art. 26 of the RSTP, cases under the jurisdiction of the Football Tribunal may be referred to mediation. Mediation is a flexible process conducted confidentially in which a neutral person actively assists the parties in working towards a negotiated agreement to settle a dispute. FIFA offers this voluntary and confidential service for parties free of charge and it encourages parties to use this method to amicably resolve their disputes with other members of the football family. Each mediation shall be conducted by an appointed mediator from the FIFA Mediators list and in accordance with the FIFA Mediation Guidelines.

FIFA Mediation Guidelines

List of FIFA Mediators:

Mediator Country
Beverley A. Agbakoba-Onyejianya Nigeria
Malek Badri Tunisia
Joost Batelaan The Netherlands
Jeffrey Benz USA
Carol Couse United Kingdom
Judy Daniel Trinidad and Tobago
Roberto de Palma Barracco Brazil
Enrico Errol Angeles Philippines
Paul Godin Canada
Luis Manuel Gomez Naranjo Venezuela
Joshua A. Gordon USA
Mehdi Guennoun Morocco
Jorge Ibarrola Switzerland
José E. Jozami Argentina
Hans E. Lorenz Germany
Francisco Rubio Sánchez Spain
Marisa Santana Spain
Jitten Singh Fiji
Jacqueline Waihenya Kenya
Nicolas Solines Ecuador
List of FIFA Mediators

Last updated: Friday, 10 March 2023 at 13:04